HC Amaretto Sultanas Kirsch Cherries
I loved enrobed fruit, and Hotel Chocolat does a fabulous range that has a little extra kick. They come in colourful elegant tubs which help to keep the food fresh after opening. The other day I was in their shop, and treated myself to two from their collection.
When opening the Amaretto Sultanas you find lots of bobbly milk chocolate balls. I was surprised at the size, considering sultanas are quite small. I was even more pleasantly surprised to find that these sultanas were anything but. They were big plump and juicy. Whether this is because of the variety or because the sultanas had been soaked in amaretto, I'm not sure. Probably a combination of the two. As for the bobbly bits. these were flaked almonds, which created contrasting texture.
Next was the tub of Kirsch Cherries; morello cherries soaked in cherry brandy, then covered with a layer of both dark and milk chocolate.
As liqueur chocolates go, these were both strong, and leave a tingle on your tongue. At £10 a tub, they not something you are going to be having every day, but do make an excellent gift for friends, family, or yourself for the occasional treat. Other fruits in the collection include Orange Tangs, Rum Sultanas, Mango Strips, and Succulent Ginger.
241630 - 2023-07-18 05:21:26
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