Hotel Chocolat Dark Selectors
I paid a visit to Hotel Chocolat's shop the other day, and at the till were three Selectors at 50%. I canever resist half price chocolate, so immediately bought them.
These were all truffles in a 70% dark chocolate shell, with various fillings. First I tried the Spiced Almond, which was a creamy ganache inside a chocolate cup. They looked very pretty with swirly piping, and candied peel to decorate, but were my least favourite of the three. I don't like candied peel for a start, and I found the ganche far too rich and sickly, even after just one bite.
My favourite was the Caramel Feuilletine, which had layers of thick caramel, brownie, and chewy crepe pieces.
If you prefer fruity chocolate, then you will love the sharpness of their current bombes. They are very refreshing.
241596 - 2023-07-18 05:21:14
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